10 steps to (better) cooking: How to choose a recipe

You are surrounded by recipes! Not only from this very blog, but on the entire internet you’ll find billions of recipes! Now even Google has a dedicated search! But not all recipes are the same and not all recipes are trustworthy… It happens, and quite often, to read recipes that call for 300 ml of

10 steps to (better) cooking: Cut, cut, cut!

Cutting is one of the basic elements of cooking. To cut food and not yourself you need just few basic rules. 1. Knives You don’t need many of them. Actually 3 are more than enough, but they have to be top quality! If your knife is harp there are much more less chances you end

Pizza dough

If I say pizza and what do you think? I hope you think of Italy, because it comes from here and more precisely Naples. No pineapple, no salami, no strange, exotic  toppings. The one I prefer is the simplest of all, a pizza margherita: tomato sauce, mozzarella and basil. Sometimes the better pleasure in life