The ultimate chocolate cake

How to recycle Easter chocolate

Easter chocolate! Traditionally in Italy Easter ISĀ chocolate! Loads of chocolate! As you can see in Sara’s post we even tend to go quite big with our Easter chocolate eggs! And every year, especially if you have a child in the house, you’ll find your home filled with all different kind of Easter chocolate, in form

The best 3 website for recipes search

  I’m always in search of new recipes, always. I always find myself with some strange turnips in the fridge, or a cut of meat I’m not familiar with, or with simple lack of inspiration! In the last years I’ve realized that even if I love so much my cooking magazines, after a while I

6 recipes with flowers

Spring is coming! And flowers will soon blossom! Let’s embrace this new season with a selection of wonderful recipes involving flowers. First of all, a beautiful list of edible flowers by Illustrated bitesĀ and a very comprehensive edible flowers chart! And now some recipes (you can find more on my Board on Pinterest about edible flowers):

10 steps to (better) cooking: How to choose a recipe

You are surrounded by recipes! Not only from this very blog, but on the entire internet you’ll find billions of recipes! Now even Google has a dedicated search! But not all recipes are the same and not all recipes are trustworthy… It happens, and quite often, to read recipes that call for 300 ml of

All your favourite recipes on your iPhone

A few months ago a dear friend, Juliette, asked me if I wanted to add my favourite recipes to a free iPhone/iPodTouch application she was developing. Well, I said an happy yes, and now the application, Finger Cookbook, is released and you can check it out and downloaded form the website! I can add more