Roasted tomatoes

Inspired by Jamie Oliver and Amanda Soule, with the last tomatoes I’ll find at the local market, what a better way to use them if not simply roasted in the oven? You can have them as a side dish, or blend them and use it as a sauce or for the pizza. Ingredients 1 kg

Pizza dough

If I say pizza and what do you think? I hope you think of Italy, because it comes from here and more precisely Naples. No pineapple, no salami, no strange, exotic  toppings. The one I prefer is the simplest of all, a pizza margherita: tomato sauce, mozzarella and basil. Sometimes the better pleasure in life

Special Edition: World Nutella Day – Nutella Crêpes

Last 2nd February in France was Chandeleur, a holiday once religious, known now days as the Crêpes Day! It’s basically a day dedicated to crêpes, during which all French eat crêpes. As it was in the middle of the week, and despite the fact that making a single crêpe is fairly quick, but making them