Raw, part 3: lemon salmon

As my Sorrento Lemons were such an hit with the Daring Baker Challenge Lemon Meringue Pie, I thought to use them to marinate some my salmon too… Well, my husband thought of it… As simple as sad: thinly slice some salmon fillet and cover it with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Let it marinate for 20-30

Raw, part 2: chirashi, kind of

Well, the real chirashi is obviously different, better, with more fish…I’ve tried my best with what I had: it!So I used the same thin slices I used for the sushi and instead of doing little balls of the sushi rice, I put everything in a bowl, cover it with the fish and sprinkled it with

Raw, part 1: sushi, kind of

A short note on this raw posts: as you read, few days ago I bought a whole salmon of 2 kilos. I processed all that night, but as I’m lazy (and wise), I’ll give slow sips of what I did with it. This doesn’t mean I ate the fish, raw, after 1 week. It only

Carrots and cumin soup

Carrots are good… Carrots are nice… Carrots are orange…And when outside everything is grey, orange CAN save you! Orange can make you happy! Then you open the pressure cooker you had used to cook everything, and you see everything orange, because the steam just burnt your finger! And life is less nice then before, but,

Merry Christmas!!!

I won’t be home, neither in front of a computer, for the next 7 days, as we are heading to south of France, to see my in-laws: seafood, oysters, buche… Stuff like that!!! My deepest seasonal greetings!I will never leave you without a Christmas recipe, so, if you want to know how I made the

Daring Bakers: Tender Potato Bread

Warm focaccia filled with Parma Prosciutto: to die for!!! Last time I’ve seen Annemarie in London, we just ended the Bostoni Cream Pie challenge, and we were a bit disappointed about our Chiffon cake turned out…Then we moved to one quite corner, and whispering, we spoke about the new challenge. She already had the time

World Bread Day: Sumac Focaccia Bread

Today it’s World Bread Day!!!!I consider focaccia a type of flat bread, as it is the way I eat it most of the time: if I have friends coming over and I do not have fresh bread, I knead a focaccia (my Kenwood chef knead a focaccia, to be precise), and the appetizers are saved!And

A nice slice of meat

I know: I’m neglecting this blog… I miss it!I miss to have enough time and organization to blog at least three times a week…But please: do not abandon me!!!!! 🙂 To prove you I’m alive (besides my flickr pictures!!!), kind of, here it’s one of our latest luch: a very nice slice of meat… But

My new belle

Few weeks ago was my birthday (for some insight of the crazy week-end we had, you can check out Robyn‘s pictures: she was visiting with some friends! And we had tons of fun!).I received some presents (well, better to, as I cooked dinner for 20 of my closest friends!!!): some teas, delicious lip balms and

Guinness chicken

Ireland.My first encounter with an English spoken country was Ireland, in 1992.And it was even my first vacations with friends, without my parents. It was one of the most amazing experiences I ever had: being a teenager, in a foreign country, in one of the most amazing and lively European capitals, very different from now