My top ten of 2006 and 5 thing you shouldn’t/wouldn’t know about me

When Sigrid tagged me for this meme I thought: Oh, no… But then I began to look at the entries of last year, my first year of blogging, and I realize that I did some “amazing” things that I couldn’t dare if I had no one but my family and friends to share it with…

Pandoro&Panettone Tiramisù

Tiramisù is one of those Italian desserts known all around the world. It’s simple and quick to make, adaptable in various ways and so so so good!!!The only “rule” you have to follow is to use mascarpone cheese. You can use ricotta, but mascarpone is the only that makes sense: if you are going to

A Sweeeeeet Tooth

Donna Hay is a recent discovery for me: in Italy is quite difficultto find her books and her magazines. In one ofMilan’s best bookstore, Hoepli (they have the largest collection ofcookbooks in Italian, French and English of the city), I found one ofher books translated in French, Gourmandises (Modern Classics, Book2), by one of my

World bread day

I know, banana bread, especially this extremely reach version, is not strictly bread, but has the name bread in the name, so, is bread in some way, or at least for some cultures.The originl recipe is from Nigella Lawson’s How to be a domestic goddess, and for once I followed it to the last pinch


I received it! This morning! I was so exited that I felt like that Christmas my parents gave the Barbie House!!!! So exited that I had to take the picture in no time, because I wanted to blog about it… And begin to dig in it, testing everything!!!! My package was form Caryn, from Reality

Cosa bolle in pentola?

I was born in a city near the Italian – Swiss border, part of my relatives leave there, as one of my uncles married a Swiss lady, and all my childhood was surrounded by Swiss chocolate, Swiss food, trip to get cheaper Swiss fuel and Swiss television.When in Italy food programs were still new and

How to make a cake this ugly…

Oh, believe me, it is SO simple to make an ugly cake! (and that’s not even the ugliest I made in my life… There was once an accident with ganache, and mini meringues and a chocolate cake risen in the wrong way… But it was many years ago, before the blog, before catering… My friends

WHB #50, the Recap

Recap time!First of all, many thanks to all the participants: I hope I will be able to answer your mail through the day!Many thanks to Kalyn, who invented the Weekend Herb Blogging, and to Ilva too, who let me know about it!So, now, Recap Piperita’s Style, or rather control freak! Participants: 16, including myself. Worldwide

Panna cotta allo yogurt, miele e lamponi

Ovvero come cucinare partendo da Martha Stewart, passando per Clotilde e finendo con “The Piperita’s Touch“! Sono partita dalla ricetta di Martha, per la quale, per una volta, pensavo di avere tutti gli ingredienti. Ma invece no, mi mancava la base: no, non la panna, non lo yogurt e nemmeno il miele, ma LA GELATINA!


Com’è diverso il mondo al di là delle Alpi! E ve lo dice una che, sì, è sposata con un francese, ma vede anche tutti i bei diffettucci dei nostri cuginetti!!! Però, questa copertina in Italia apparirà mai??? Loro sono spocchioselli, alle volte, ma noi???