My new belle

Few weeks ago was my birthday (for some insight of the crazy week-end we had, you can check out Robyn‘s pictures: she was visiting with some friends! And we had tons of fun!).I received some presents (well, better to, as I cooked dinner for 20 of my closest friends!!!): some teas, delicious lip balms and

Guinness chicken

Ireland.My first encounter with an English spoken country was Ireland, in 1992.And it was even my first vacations with friends, without my parents. It was one of the most amazing experiences I ever had: being a teenager, in a foreign country, in one of the most amazing and lively European capitals, very different from now

Magic Tajine, on the table, who is the fairest one of all?

Magic Tajine: Over the seven jewelled restaurants, beyond the seventh pan, in the kitchen of the Seven Chefs, dwells Piperita, fairest of them all.Queen [of food bloggers]: Piperita lies dead in the forest [you wish!]. The Envy Bloggers have brought me proof. Behold, her heart.Magic Tajine: Piperita still lives, fairest in the land. ‘Tis the

Bouncing off clouds

[…] Make it easyMake this easyIt’s not as heavy as it seems… And that’s what this traditional Chinese recipe is: easy… Too easy! And too good home made to go back to the greasy/chemical restaurants versions (in Italy at least!).Among the two or three different recipes I was consulting on my cook books to make

Seafood and meat Paella

Warning: this post was written by The French, my husband, as he’s the Paella maker of the house. If I receive too many praising comments I will abdicate as queen of this blog and leave you alone with him! And just to remind you: HE’S FRENCH and he has ALL the components that make French

Japanese curry (or so they say on the package!!!)

I’m not so fond of ready made food. But sometimes, once in a while, a get very lazy (Ah! I’m always lazy!!!) and use industrial stuff, and that normally happens when I do not read the list of the ingredients BEFORE I buy it… And that doesn’t happen so often… But sometimes, you know, you

Canard aux poires

Do I have to stress again on how much I love duck? And ducks, of course: cute funny animals, but I prefer them directly from the oven! Oh, how cruel I am!!! (Add a very cruel laugh at this point)This roasted duck is so simple that shouldn’t need a recipe, but I know many people

Noodles, again and again and again…

What can I say? I love noodles… I wont add more, as I already expressed myself on this particular subject…How can I more stress you about the wonderful property of a bowl full of steaming noodles? If you are reading this blog you are probably from some foreign (and civilized, food wise at laest) country

Oh, yes, that’s fat!

(And it’s a pity you can’t see it bubbling…) That’s the fat from merguezes! Better: those merguezes are home made by my Halal butcher just down the street! I love to buy my lamb at the Halal butcher because it has more taste that the lamb that is normally sell in Italy: too young for

Waiter, there’s something in my… (cheese) pie!!!

What can you possibly do when you have some fresh cheese near the expiration date and you have this intense urge to eat a cheese focaccia???3 options:1. Throw the cheese in the bin, take a train and head to Recco, eat hot cheese focaccia, go back on the train and head home with belly happily