Tajine au citron confit

It has been more than 1 year since my last update. Many reasons, the biggest: our son entered our life one year ago. Shall I say more? Now, to the recipe! Last September my friend Domitilla, coming back from her home town Mondragone, brought us some wonderful organic lemons, directly form her mother’s tree! Is

Mince pies

Well, a kind of Mince Pies. First of all because this are not pies, but tarts, mini tarts. And second of all because I’ve never tried the real English mince pie, so I cannot know if they taste alike. The original recipe, from which those little pies are inspired, is from Modern Classics, Book 2,

Dates chutney

I had many different kinds of dates around the house! Let’s state something: I do not like dates! they are too sweet, too soggy… So dates are something that only my husband eats. And as he doesn’t eat kilos of them, well, we have many around. The best way I found to get rid of