10 tips on food blogging

The first food blog born in this world was Chocolate&Zucchini, by Clotilde Dusoulier: she blogs in English since september 2003, more then 10 years ago. In this last 10 years many things have changed, allowing more and more people to approach simpler ways to blog on the internet.

And since Adam, one of the first USA food blogger, wrote a post about how to start a foodblog in 2005, many many thing have changed.

And even since the existence of this blog, since January 2006 (first on Blogger, now on a self hosted WordPress) the food blogging world has exploded.

Here are 10 resources where you can find many tips on how to start a food blog, how to make it work and how to enjoy one of the best thing that can happen to you: blog!

  1. How to start a Food Blog, by From away: all the things you need to know before to start, from the blogging platform to ADV
  2. A 10 point strategy from one of the most successful food blogger on the planet, David Lebovitz, live from Paris.
  3. The 10 photography lessons by Ree Drummond, aka The Pioneer Woman, aka cook book author and Food Network sensation
  4. Food blogging 101 and all about the holy trinity of food blogginggorgeous food photographywonderful writing and rock solid recipes
  5. It’s form 2007 but I wouldn’t miss the Do and don’ts of food blogging by Nicky at Delicious Days
  6. Linsday and Bjork of Pinch of Yum shares a lot of resources on food blogging that can get you started
  7. Adam of Amateur Gourmet has a list of 10 post type that will drive traffic to your blog
  8. 100 links and 8 tips on how to blog about food by The Hungry Australian
  9. An entire blog dedicated on tips for food blogger by Jo of Jocooks.com
  10. A food blog about food blogging: Pro food blogger


A very comprehensive guide with more then 150 resources!