WHB # 52, First Anniversary:Verbena Rabbit

I do not know what the rest of the world think or feel about eating rabbits, but for Italians and French that’s quite normal. I know, they are cute, nice and so soft (when alive, of course), but they also have a very peculiar taste, beside being healthy, and I like it so much…My father

Mmmh, crispy!

Just a quick and simple appetizer for an informal dinner: hot smoked mini scamorze (scamozine) wrapped in crispy bacon.Scamorza is an Italian cheese, either smoked or plain. It is made in the same way of mozzarella (both are stretched cow raw milk cheese), but has a dry and harder texture, not milky at all. You


This spicy, tangy, bittersweet noodles are just an experiment. One of my favourite noodles in Yakisoba, but in Italy is impossible to find a single Japanese restaurant able to make it. So, while I wait to eat them in Paris at the end of November, I have to substitute it with something.Using sake, rice vinegar,

Making the Pantry

Every spring, summer and fall I stuff my pantry with lots of home made jams, marmalades and preserves.Red onions jam is one of my favourite: of course is a savoury jam, not a sweet one you spread on bread first thing in the morning! You can taste it with meat, alone on bread, or as

The simplest entrée on earth

Peaches season is just going to end, so why don’t take all their sweetness and make something simple yet good???During winter you can replace them with pears, plums, or even apples.What to say about Roquefort? I think is one of the best cheese in the world! I discovered it thank to my French husband: his

Lettera aperta ai lettori/commentatori/avventori/amici di questo blog

Carissimi, come state? Questa mia per informarvi che fra qualche giorno questo blog verrà pubblicato solo in inglese. Forse riuscirò a tradurre almeno le ricette su un altro blog, vi farò sapere, ma non do la certezza di aver il tempo necessario per fare un lavoro di queste dimensioni. Non sono mica super Cannella io!!!

Confessions of a dangerous mind

Tra i 19 e i 24-25 anni sono stata vegetariana. Mi ricordo il giorno in cui l’ho deciso: vivevo ancora con i miei genitori e stavo cucinando un ragù per la sera. Su Rai 3 stavano trasmettendo un documentario su come vengono uccisi e macellati i maiali, cosa che non vi sto assolutamente a descrivere

Free muffin to the world!!!

Questi muffin sono strani, ma sono pur sempre muffin e a chi non piacciono i muffin??? La ricetta base è quella del libro de Le Cordon Bleu, Muffin, Könemann, 1998. Poi l’aggiunta della marmellata come cuore fondente viene da una ricetta per muffin-doughnut di Nigella Lawson. Essendo dei muffin al limone ho scelto la marmellata

Easy peasy

Quando non so che farmi e tutto ciò di cui ho voglia è della semplice pasta gratinata, metto a bollire l’acqua, la salo, butto la pasta, la cuocio al dente, la condisco con un po’ di burro, Roquefort e pepe, la cospargo di parmigiano grattuggiato e la metto sotto il grill caldo del forno. (E

WHB #50, the Recap

Recap time!First of all, many thanks to all the participants: I hope I will be able to answer your mail through the day!Many thanks to Kalyn, who invented the Weekend Herb Blogging, and to Ilva too, who let me know about it!So, now, Recap Piperita’s Style, or rather control freak! Participants: 16, including myself. Worldwide